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Cibulkova hangt racket aan de haak

Cibulkova hangt racket aan de haak

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Dominika Cibulkova (WTA-315) hangt haar racket aan de haak. De Slovaakse kondigde bij de lancering van haar biografie haar afscheid van het tennis aan.

De Slovaakse Cilbulkova piekte op de vierde plaats op de WTA-ranking. In 2014 bereikte ze de finale van de Australian Open en 2016 veroverde ze de titel op de WTA Finals. Ze behaalde acht WTA-titels in het enkelspel en één dubbeltitel samen met Kirsten Flipkens in Rosmalen in 2017.

Dit jaar kwam Cibulkova voor het laatst in actie op Roland Garros. “Ik wist toen al dat dat mijn laatste toernooi zou worden, ik raakte het harde tennisleven met het vele reizen en trainen stilaan beu. Ik had het gevoel dat ik genoeg gegeven heb en meer bereikt heb dan ik ooit had kunnen dromen.” Cibulkova gaat zich nu bezighouden met haar tennisacademie in Bratislava en ze heeft ook een horecaonderneming ‘The Velvet’.

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Today, with mixed feelings, I have special news to share with you all. As you know I haven’t been playing tournaments for several months. What started as a recurring Achilles injury, developed into one of the most difficult moments in my life – deciding on what to do with my tennis career. After a lot of thinking, talks, and support from my family, friends, and my team, I have finally decided that I will not be returning to the courts as a competitive player. It is a moment filled with so many feelings – saddness, fear of the unknown, but also excitement of what life will bring in the future. I was one of the luckiest kids to stumble upon the road of a tennis player thanks to my wonderful parents and I will be forever grateful for their unconditional support. They did everything possible to keep me moving forward no matter how big the obstacles that stood in the way. I was also very fortunate to have a whole « village » of wonderful people around me who helped shape my career and help me achieve goals and dreams that children dream about. I am chosing today as the day I announce my retirement from tennis because this is also a day on which my biography is being launched with all of the details about my career. Writing the book was a journey on its own because it also brought lots of emotions and took a significant effort to open up about my personal life. I am honored to share this special book with all my fans. I am looking forward to step into the next part of my life and take on new challenges, spend happy times with my family, friends, making new friends, visiting new places, and making new memories. I will miss the support of my fans on the tennis court but will never forget you because tennis will always be a part of me. Pomeeee 😉 New chapter begins now…. ❤️

Een bericht gedeeld door Dominika Cibulkova (@domicibulkova) op

Melissa Van de Wiele

Melissa Van de Wiele

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