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Het is gebeurd: Djokovic test positief op COVID-19

Het is gebeurd: Djokovic test positief op COVID-19

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Het was even wachten, maar we kennen het resultaat van de testing van Novak Djokovic: positief. De Serviër heeft COVID-19.

Djokovic liet zichzelf en zijn gezin testen bij aankomst in het Servische Belgrado. Zijn vrouw testte eveneens positief, hun kinderen negatief, hijzelf dus positief. Nole vertoont wel geen symptomen.

“Alles wat we de voorbije maand hebben gedaan, deden we met een puur hart en de beste bedoelingen”, laat de Serviër nog weten in een reactie. “Met de Adria Tour wilden we verenigen en een boodschap van solidariteit uitzenden.”

Adria Tour afgelast

“We organiseerden de tour op een moment dat het coronavirus was afgezwakt en geloofden dat we de nodige maatregelen genomen hadden. Jammer genoeg is het virus er nog steeds en leven we in een nieuwe realiteit nu.”

De resterende events van de Adria Tour in Banja Luka en Sarajevo zijn afgelast.

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After today's meeting of all members of the Organizing Committee of Adria Tour, it has been decided that the tournament could not be continued and, therefore, the matches in Banja Luka and Sarajevo will not be held. ⠀ "We are extremely sorry that we have to stop organizing the upcoming tennis tournaments in Banja Luka and Sarajevo. We were looking forward to promoting sports and providing financial support to local players, as well as to the audience finally seeing Novak Djokovic and other tennis players live, after many years of waiting. Unfortunately, due to all the events that happened in the last few days, we have decided that the most important thing right now is to stabilize the epidemiological situation, as well as for everyone to recover", said the Adria Tour director, Djordje Djokovic. ⠀ "We thank all the participants from the Tennis Association of Republika Srpska, the city of Sarajevo, all those who worked hard in the previous days to prepare these events. We appreciate that and we are remaining friends, while hoping that we will make our idea happen, as soon as the conditions allow it", Djokovic emphasized. ⠀ In the end, Djordje Djokovic reminded that the idea of ​​Adria Tour sports event was of charity nature, with the goal of helping players from the region increase their earnings, supporting charity organizations and promoting good values. ⠀ "We now remain focused on supporting all those who have been infected with the Covid-19, wishing them to recover as soon as possible", said the Organizing Committee.

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Melissa Van de Wiele

Melissa Van de Wiele

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